Chances are that on a typical day you drink at least four cups of tea or coffee. What are you doing while you're drinking them?
In our fast paced multi-tasking lives, it's important that we find moments in our day to quieten down, slow down and be more attentive to the present moment. This might commonly be called 'mindfulness'. In Christianity we might call it 'practising the presence of God', or more accurately 'becoming more attentive to the presence of God'.
"Be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10)
If you can spare ten minutes, how about trying having one of your cups of coffee / tea / hot chocolate in silence. You might be able to do this early in the morning or on your lunch break or later in the day. This little challenge isn't just about silence but also about not doing anything else while you enjoy your drink. No phone. No newspaper. No Sudoku. No reading the Bible even. Simply sitting with your mug and with God in silence.
You don't need to talk with God during this time. Just become aware of God's presence or listen to what God might be saying to you in the space you've created.
How does it feel to sit in silence for ten minutes? How does it feel to not be doing anything else while drinking? Does it help you reconnect with God in any way? If you find this little challenge helpful, is it something you could do more regularly?