How many kneeling figures have you seen over recent weeks? On Christmas cards or in crib scenes you may have seen kneeling angels, kneeling shepherds, kneeling wise men, maybe even Mary kneeling.
Kneeling is an outward expression of humility and awe and love. Have you ever experimented with kneeling in prayer? Some Christians find it helps them concentrate or that it helps them express the humility and awe and love in their heart.
Linked to kneeling is a form of prayer called 'adoration'. You don't have to be kneeling to engage in adoration. It's more about your heart adoring God. It's just that some people find kneeling helps with this kind of prayer.
'Adoration' is a way of praying in which you don't really do anything or even say anything to God. You simply kneel or sit in God's presence in silent worship. It's a profound form of prayer for when words are no longer deep enough for what you're trying to express.
Perhaps silent worship is something you might like to try for yourself this Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. If so here's a little guide:
You might start by looking at images of angels or shepherd kneeling at the manger. Or you might begin with listening to a Christmas song or saying some words of your own to God.
You might like to imagine that you are present at the crib and use your imagination to enter the scene.
Start to notice what's going on in your heart. You might feel moved by God. You might feel adoration for God welling up inside you.
Let this then lead into a form of prayer beyond all words. The more we realise the beauty of who God is and what God has done for us, the more we realise how inadequate words are.
If it's not too uncomfortable for you, you might like to try kneeling. If that's not possible, don't worry about it. It's more about 'bending the knees of your heart' and letting silence say more than words can.
Now, for as long as you feel led to, simply stay in God's presence in silent worship...
O come let us adore him
O come let us adore him
O come let us adore him
Christ the Lord