Mindfulness is a popular word these days. Did you know that mindfulness has been part of the Christian tradition for centuries? Here are a few of the main strands of Christian mindfulness: HAVING TIMES THROUGHOUT THE DAY WHEN YOU RE-FOCUS ON GOD This can be anything from saying grace before meals to having prayer times morning and evening, or even every few hours! PRACTISING THE PRESENCE OF GOD Our aim as Christians is for the times in between our 'prayer times' to be prayerful also. One strand of Christian mindfulness was made famous by someone who lived hundreds of years ago called Brother Lawrence. He was a clumsy cook in a monastery but he was very prayerful. He learnt how to do his tasks in a way that meant he was still attentive to God while doing them. He was mindful of doing his tasks for God and with God. In more recent times Frank Laubach wrote accounts of his experiments with how much of the day he could spend in this kind of Christian mindfulness. SACRA...
Experiments in Christian Spirituality
Thoughts and ideas of a 'catholic Anglican' and contemplative nature for you to experiment with...